Heart rate training is not nearly as complicated as it seems. We broke down the basics so you don't have to! ...
Entendiendo tus métricas de natación
Si quieres triunfar en tu próximo triatlón, ¡dominar la natación es clave! Prepararte para tu mejor natación depende mucho de tu preparación durante el entrenamiento. Al igual que con el ciclismo y la carrera, el entrenamiento de natación incluirá muchas partes similares: un calentamiento, una serie principal y una relajación. La diferencia es que...
La Dinámica Única del Ciclismo Indoor
¿Has notado alguna vez que puede haber una diferencia de potencia cuando pedaleas en interior versus exterior? ¿O que potencialmente los esfuerzos a la misma intensidad se sienten más duros cuando estás en tu rodillo? No estás solo. Aquí es donde entra en juego la dinámica del ciclismo. Muchos ciclistas encuentran que no pueden...
Warming Up Before a Run
While it can be tempting to roll out of bed, lace up your shoes, and head out the door for your early morning run…perhaps this time around you pump the brakes. While many runners may not think twice about running without a warm-up, it may be time to start reconsidering. Why is Warm Up...
La importancia del entrenamiento estructurado
Cuando se trata de seguir un plan de entrenamiento estructurado, muchos ciclistas pueden creer que esto es mejor dejárselo a los profesionales. La verdad es que los planes de entrenamiento estructurados están pensados para cualquier persona que trabaje hacia un objetivo: una carrera, el récord personal en una ruta local o que busque completar cien kilómetros. No matter how large or...
The Performance Myths Between Men and Women
It is obvious that there are physical differences between men and women. Men are typically taller, more muscular, and therefore usually outperform women when it comes to upper body performances (like lifting), strength, and power events. This is also true when it comes to shorter-distance events; historically, men outperform women. That being said, this...
Lleva tu entrenamiento en interiores al aire libre
The SYSTM Training App will now be able to support both indoor and outdoor workouts. What does this mean as a user? You can now select a training plan or workout from the app, add it to your calendar, and sync it with your bike computer for both indoor and outdoor training sessions. The...
Indoor Cycling Tips For Training in ERG Mode
There was a point when riding the trainer was viewed for times only when the weather was too treacherous to ride outside, or for rehabilitation from an injury. Wintertime was the only season when cyclists could muster up the mental strength to subject themselves to riding in a fixed position for a few hours...
Beneficios del entrenamiento con cadencia de alta intensidad
High cadence can be a very subjective matter. While one may say that pedaling at 80 rpm is an extremely high cadence, a track sprinter may say that 240 rpm is a high cadence. Whatever your view of “high cadence” may be; the importance of incorporating high cadence drills into your training repertoire does...
Ask the Experts: What Is & How Do I Use The Rate of Perceived Exertion Scale?
At one point in our lives we have all heard the expression, “how hard does this feel?” Even at the doctor’s office, we are asked to rate our level of pain on a scale of 0-10. Rate of perceived exertion (RPE), has been a term used since the very beginnings of endurance exercise. Way...
¿Cómo influye tu tipo de personalidad a la hora de fijarte objetivos?
We are all different, and these differences are reflected in not only the way we train, but in the way we set our goals. Whether on the roads or in the office, how we approach planning is very dependent upon the way we best operate mentally. Are we organized to a T? Or do...
Cómo hablar con nosotros mismos de manera positiva para mejorar el rendimiento
We have all been there before, one minute you feel invincible, and the next you’re ready to throw in the towel. When things are going well, it is easy to do the “right” things. What about when the going gets tough? Are you able to separate how you “feel” from how you talk to...