How to Build a Personal Cycling Training Camp

When most people hear the term “Cycling Training Camp,” they think of escaping to locations with warm weather, breathtaking scenery, and monumental climbs. Really the goal of any training camp is to get faster and fitter, and while that nice weather, beautiful sights, and long climbs can help, they are by no means necessary....

By the Numbers: What it Takes to Race a Grand Tour

In the month of July, you can find hundreds of thousands of fans across the world glued to their TVs watching the Tour de France. Since its inception in 1903, the Tour de France is the most widely recognized grand tour throughout the cycling community. There are precisely three recognized Grand Tours for professional...

Ask the Experts: Understanding Calories

Words by Taylor Thomas at Thomas Endurance Coaching When it comes to sports nutrition there are a million different formulas being presented to athletes. Whether it’s specific diets, “must have” supplements, or the next performance enhancer, there’s plenty of options for athletes to choose from. While ultimately an athlete’s diet is a personal decision when...

What Causes Cramps and How Do You Stop Them?

Many of us have experienced the all too common cramp that causes us to cease exercise immediately and try to walk it off. If you have not experienced it for yourself, you can probably view this occurrence around mile 20 of any marathon. Athletes moving along fine and then all of the sudden being...

5 High Energy Foods for Endurance Cycling

It’s no secret that the key to long-term endurance is keeping your body fueled for the workout ahead. During longer exercise regimens, your body needs an input of calories to keep moving. If it doesn’t get that necessary fuel, your performance will plummet, and your ride will ultimately suffer. Here is where the importance...

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