Ask the Experts: What Do I Do If I Miss A Workout?

There will come a point in time when the inevitable occurs and you…miss a workout. Fear not, your fitness is not lost forever and this is no time to panic train.  First things first, take a step back and assess the reasons why you missed your workout. Your why will lead to a more informed...


Un triatlón consta de cuatro disciplinas: natación, ciclismo, carrera y transiciones. Casi siempre dedicamos tiempo a entrenar únicamente tres de esas disciplinas. Entrenas de forma meticulosa durante horas para que tu motor cardiovascular produzca los resultados que deseas. ¿Y qué hay de tus transiciones? Perhaps you have never given much thought to this discipline because...

How To: ELEMNT RIVAL Touchless Transition

              There have been many options for multisport watches that have surfaced throughout the years. Most of these watches offer what you’d expect: a lap timer for the swim, a computer for the bike, and a GPS unit for the run. When combined, these features seem to compile...

Building a Base: Step-by-Step

It is known that logging fall and winter miles can help build an athlete’s foundation come spring and summertime racing. The ability to string together consistent weeks of training can help to not only increase endurance, strength, and stamina but also aid in injury prevention. While spring and summer season sessions will focus on...

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