Haz estos ejercicios y corre más rápido

You’ve recently picked up running, and now you’ve set your next goal: get faster. The desire to get quicker isn’t a new notion for anyone who starts endurance sports. The hunger to get from point A to point B faster than before is an inevitable feeling we all encounter at one point or another. ...

Ask the Expert: What is Running Dynamics

What does the perfect running form look like? The short answer is: it depends. All runners are not built the same. You will not look like or run like every training partner you have, or every individual you line up on the start line against, and you shouldn’t! We are all built differently. Algu...

ATE: When To Go Slow, So You Can Be Fast

Training is a time to work on our weaknesses, increase our strengths, and really test our limits of performance in a low-risk environment. The inevitable desire to make every single session a PR gradually creeps into your mind as you progress with training and begin to see fitness gains. Soon enough you find yourself...

How Does Age Impact Performance and Recovery?

Age is just a number, or is it? While we should not fear getting older, we must also face the facts that our bodies at 65 do not function as they did at 25. Though we tend to discover new creaks and cracks in our joints throughout our life, this does not mean that...

How Can Exercise Relieve Stress?

One key attribute that many of the world’s best athletes possess is the ability to “shut down.” What does this mean? To shut down? As humans, we were not made to be running at full capacity at all times. Our engines can only handle so much, and at some point, we will combust. En...

Finding Balance: Managing Life and Training

Images by Marco Merati Time away from in-season training can sometimes be difficult to manage for many athletes. When you no longer have structured training and schedules, you may find yourself overwhelmed with your available time. Being able to balance both sport and life is a skill that takes time to iron out the...

Ask the Experts: Movement and Why it Matters

It is common in the world of endurance sports for athletes to solely focus on the workouts we deem as important. These workouts would include sessions that are building their cardiovascular endurance since that is the only way to get better, right? For the time-crunched athlete who needs to skip a workout(s), more times than...

Ask the Experts: Bike Fit for Performance

Whether you are purchasing a bike for the first time, or a seasoned veteran, one thing that will always remain an integral part of any cyclist’s arsenal is a proper road bike fit. Professional bike fits are crucial to not only performance but your comfort on the bike. When your bike setup is comfortable,...

Por qué conviene utilizar clips en los pedales

Shopping for a road pedal system can be a bit daunting even for experienced riders. This decision can become more complicated if making a switch from a previous pedal system to a new one. As athletes, we are always looking for ways to gain an edge on our competition, an extra watt here or...

Cycling Knee Pain? Pedal Solutions for Common Knee Issues

Many of us have been there, pedaling along without an issue and then you begin to feel a sharp twinge of pain in your knee…now what? If you’ve ever experienced knee pain while cycling from either cleat or seat positioning, you are not alone. Knee pain is one of the most common injuries cyclists...

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