La mayoría de los atletas de resistencia mantienen el pie en el acelerador y raramente lo levantan en busca de entrenar más duro, más rápido y durante más tiempo. Lo que no nos damos cuenta es que la clave para desbloquear todo nuestro potencial reside en nuestra capacidad de recuperarnos de los esfuerzos intensos....
¿Cómo puede el ejercicio aliviar el estrés?
Una característica clave que poseen muchos de los mejores atletas del mundo es la capacidad de “desconectar”. ¿Qué significa esto? ¿Desconectar? Como humanos, no estamos hechos para estar funcionando a plena capacidad todo el tiempo. Nuestros motores solo pueden soportar cierta carga, y en algún momento, colapsaremos. En un mundo de constante movimiento, quizás...
How Does Age Impact Performance and Recovery?
Age is just a number, or is it? While we should not fear getting older, we must also face the facts that our bodies at 65 do not function as they did at 25. Though we tend to discover new creaks and cracks in our joints throughout our life, this does not mean that...
Ask The Experts: What is the Half Monty Ramp Test?
In order to reach your goals, you need to have a plan. This plan will be the blueprint that will lead you to your end success. The question is, where do you begin? In order to know how to get where you are going, you need to know where you are starting from. El p...
The Secret to Better Fitness is Training Consistency
Most athletes are in search of that one workout or training secret that can help them unlock their best performances. Well, the secret is out and, and that secret is training consistency. We can marvel at the Strava profiles of professional athletes that make us ooh and aah for workouts they (seem to) perform...
How to Build a Personal Cycling Training Camp
When most people hear the term “Cycling Training Camp,” they think of escaping to locations with warm weather, breathtaking scenery, and monumental climbs. Really the goal of any training camp is to get faster and fitter, and while that nice weather, beautiful sights, and long climbs can help, they are by no means necessary....
Ask The Experts: Does Cycling Help with Marathon Training?
Completing a marathon is a bucket list item for many runners. Most runners have caught the “running bug” after their first 5k or 10k race and set their sights on the coveted 26.2-mile distance. Training for such an event like the marathon requires time, dedication, and potentially a lot of blister tape. Tanto si va...